Old-growth forest

美 [oʊld ɡroʊθ ˈfɔːrɪst]英 [əʊld ɡrəʊθ ˈfɒrɪst]
  • 网络原始森林
Old-growth forestOld-growth forest
  1. Is soil respiration a major contributor to the carbon budget within a Pacific Northwest old-growth forest ?


  2. Old-growth forest might store far more carbon than previously thought , making their preservation a higher priority in carbon trading and other efforts to tackle global warming .


  3. Dissolved N_2O and CO_2 Concentrations in Soil Solution under Temperate Old-Growth Forest and Their Associated Mechanisms


  4. Knowing this , developing countries with abundant old-growth forest cover could ask rich countries for compensation through the global carbon trade , said team leader Guoyi Zhou .


  5. It generally has more diversity . Um ... OK . There are three main causes of pedodiversity within old-growth forest here in our region of Michigan .


  6. The forces driving this rise are not yet clear , and the authors say their findings point to the need for further research on the complex responses of old-growth forest to global environmental change .


  7. Seedlings can be found in several habitats , while saplings only distribute in Larix plantation forest , Betula-Populus natural regeneration forest , and old-growth pine-hardwood forest .


  8. With increasing age , the value of Bray-Curtis index between secondary forest and old-growth dark brown coniferous forest had an increasing trend .
